「ロバート・ゼーリックは、日本に圧力を掛けて郵貯銀行を民営化させた。」と、オーストラリア国立大学教授が、名言。あれ、白人にもまともなのいたのね。 Robert Zoellick pressured Japan to privatise its Postal Savings System - Gavan McCormack http://newleftreview.org/?view=2577 {McCormack is Emeritus Professor of East Asian Histoiry at the Australian National University, Canberra} How and why Japanese voters rallied to a plebiscite on privatization, downing the first strong cocktail of neoliberalism and chauvinism - laced with submission to the United States - in East Asia. The make-over of the LDP, the eclipse of opposition, and the implications of handing Japan Post to global finance. How and why Japanese voters rallied to a plebiscite on privatization, downing the first strong cocktail of neoliberalism and chauvinism—laced with submission to the United States—in East Asia. The make-over of the LDP, the eclipse of opposition, and the implications of handing Japan Post to global finance. Save a PDF file Send an email Print article GAVAN McCORMACKKOIZUMI’S COUP |
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