海外・外国人に向けて、下記情報を大々的に発信してください! 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant : Nothing serious. All are burlesque show. This is Richard Koshimizu from Tokyo. Many of foreign citizens are evacuating from Tokyo area as they fear the Neutron ray may hit them that can be created by the dangerous MOX fuel material used at No.3 Reactor. News:Foreigners evacuating from Tokyo. Dangerous Pultonium Thermal Fuel is used at No.3 Reactor. http://news.nicovideo.jp/watch/nw43097 The main reason why foreigner are trying to run away from Japan is the fear of being infected by Neutron ray from 3rd reactor's MOX fuel. And this is a mere sucky play arranged by the mastermind of 3-11 man-made quake terrorism. My simple explanation will ease your tension and you will stop flying out from Narita Airport. 3rd Reactor has exploded in a great way, however, many felt it was "blown-up" by somebody. ●Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant Reactor 3 explosion on March 14, 2011 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_N-wNFSGyQ Why was it blown up? Initially I thought the mastermind intended to bring a sense of crisis, however, the main purpose was something else. The destruction of the Building should have been done by "PURE HYDROGEN BOMB" (PHB) instead of conventional cutter charges. Pure Hydrogen bomb do not produce any radioactives while it causes the temporary Nuetron Ray. (It wil diminish within 48 hours. Once exposed to it, you may be infected cancer in 5-10 years time. At least 300 WTC first responders already died of cancer after being exposed against Neutron Ray created by PHB at Ground Zero, but, U.S. media keep quiet as they are owned by 911 perpetrators.) If you have special device, you can detect Neutron Ray. Japan's Yomiuri Newspaper has reported Neutron Ray was detected at the gate of the Plant. Tokyo Power Co. announced Neutron Ray was detected at the gate of Plant and it could have come from the fuel material of 3rd Reactor. (2011.3.15 03:30 Yomiuri) http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/national/news/20110315-OYT1T00087.htm Yomiuri is trying to inflate the crisis by indicating MOX fuel is exposed to atomosphere. The reader may feel the Eastern half of Japan will go to ruin because of Neutron Ray. And it is indeed true that Neutron Ray was detedcted as it has been created when PHB was detonated at 3rd Reactor's building. This should be the reason why they have purposely destroyed the Building of 3rd Reazctor by PHB. (Neutron Ray will diminish within 48 hours while such from MOX fuel will and must continue to exist. There is no such report of continued fluctuation of N.Ray value.) When PHB is detonated, it creates radio isotope of Tritium. They are afraid people would find this Tritium as it proves the use of PHB. Thus, they have started saying the fule material at 3rd Reactor should be cooled down by water, thus, started dscharging water from helicopter and vehicles in order to wash away Tritium. The situation at 3rd Reactor is so serious, thus, need water cooling? In fact water washing is necessary for criminals to conseal the evidence of their crime. Actual situation there would be nothing serious. If serious, many experts and Universities should have already pointed out the high Neutron Ray value and Japan should be in panic. Thus, foreigners should return to Tokyo as nothing to fear. Come back to Roppongi and blame on the perpetrators of 3-11 Operation for their madness and stupidness. They should be simply sent to the gallows. Thank you. Richard Koshimizu from Tokyo. |
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通報が、コシミズ先生の闘争心に火をつけたようですね。 |
心情党員kkk 2011/03/19 09:21 |
自身が上げてた音楽動画に、アメリカからアクセスが多い動画があります。そこへ脈絡なくバンバン貼ってますので、事実上の本土上陸ですw |
カズことホッパー 2011/03/19 09:39 |
変です!先ほどから二度 |
満珍方 2011/03/19 10:00 |
CFRのクズ共の好き勝手にさせないため、情報拡散します。 |
いなほ 2011/03/19 10:04 |
自分も1000万アクセスを超える動画がYOUTUBEにあるので |
いきしちに 2011/03/19 10:17 |
対応も含め拡散中です。 |
情報拡散中 2011/03/19 10:35 |
最新の竹内氏へのブログ記事に、コメントが書き込めませんよ。先生対応願います。 |
ビッグローブ対応情報拡散中 2011/03/19 10:39 |
・3/14 純粋水爆で3号機爆破 |
気持は会員予備軍 2011/03/19 11:54 |
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