Judaism calendar and magnitude terrorism are synchronized. Sadam Fussein's Iraq was attacked immediately after Jewish Purim Festival. Jewish all over the world have pre-celebrated the victory over Sadam in advance during Purim Festival, then, a Marano Jew, G.W. Bush has intentionally invaded Iraq just after Purim in order to deliver unspoken message to the Jewish society that this war was for the sake of their species. The same Purim festival is approaching this year and Jewish are anxiously waiting for the news about the commencement of 3-11 Jewish FINAL WAR. Part of such war has been already practiced in Tohoku area of Japan where thousands of innocent Japanese were drowned. However, the main stage of Jewish FINAL WAR is scheduled to be initiated after Purim Festival. March 20 is the day of Purim Festival this year, and, we all are monitoring if Jewish Mega Power really commence the abhorrent massacre and destruction over Japan. Are they really starting more series of man-made quakes as well as volcano eruption, EMP attacks, etc. All the human species should look at these minority people if they really try to practice what are written in Old Testament. We, Japanese will not allow them to do so as well believe we are the only those ewho can stop these fanatics. Richard Koshimizu from Tokyo. |
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NHKのustreamも終わりましたが、NHKworldは続けています。 |
頑張れニッポン!! 2011/03/19 13:39 |
悪魔というよりも魔王と言った方が正確なような気がします。ルッシフェラー爺さん。 |
『未来の見えるテレビ』 2011/03/19 15:46 |
ソンテチャクはどうしたの?本当は、死んでいるんでしょ。 |
三毛猫 2011/03/19 17:45 |
この爺さんでも傀儡でしょ。その上がいて・・そのまた傀儡のレヴェルが低いから、こういうドタバタの作戦になってる訳で。頭悪いんだから、いい加減に止めれば良いのに。こんなの【奇襲攻撃】に相当するよ。そうなると、全世界を敵に回すわけだ。 |
奇襲攻撃 2011/03/19 17:56 |
http://mihoh.seesaa.net/article/190152328.html |
ロックフェラーかロスチャイルドの下僕のブ... 2011/03/20 00:08 |
zioncrimefactory (dot) com |
Tim 2012/07/04 05:28 |
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