Twitter 拡散用 311 seismic terror : Seismic wave shows clear evicence of man-made quake! The 311 seismic wave clearly shows three huge consecutive destruction comes at the beginning as reported by Japan meteorological bureau on March 13. 2011. Typical artificial quake creates high spike at the beginning as shown on the second graph. (Indian Nuclear Test, 1998) while that of 3-11 shows much longer "High Spike" period because of 3 consecutive destruction. Meanwhile the natural quake shows gradual growth (Pakistan, 1995) as shown on the third graph. Should compare 311 and 1995 Pakistan. You will instantly understand someone is behind the scene of 3-11 disaster. Who is it? David Rockefeller of CFR is the one. He orchestrated 9-11 iside job and now is initiating 3-11. Stop that Old Testament fanatic who tries to destroy our planet. Richard Koshimizu from Tokyo FYI: The Seismogram John from The Netherlands sent me this link for the Hokaido seismograph stations recorded on March 11, 2011. This seismogram is the top graph seen at the above link from Station: ERM - Erimo, Hokkaido Island, Japan, "BHN" monitor. Natural quakes tend to show a GRADUAL build up of slippage that works up to a maximum displacement, while artificially created quakes typically shows a SUDDEN spike to maximum or near maximum displacement. In this graph, we see just a little movement at the beginning followed by a massive spike displacement. Did this start out as a natural quake, but was suddenly piggy-backed by artificial energy? Or did the manipulators precipitate the entire event? In either case, this mega-quake was ARTIFICIALLY created. |
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確かにパキスタンの地震波が段々と大きくなっているのに、3-11の地震波は3度の連続波で、きていて、インドの核実験の地震波と同じ傾向にあります。 |
ぽん太 2011/04/05 07:18 |
seismic = of earthquake artificial = man made |
心情党員8xKzyg6 2011/04/05 09:00 |
Paul G. Richards Ph.d.:コロンビア大学、地下核地震波研究者 |
キキ 2011/04/05 13:07 |
アメリカのイエローストン公園でも、日本と同様、地下核爆発の振動波が確認されています。 |
キキ 2011/04/05 13:28 |
これは人工地震の証拠ですね! |
まもる 2011/04/07 09:15 |
メディアも向こう側ですよね。 |
まもる 2011/04/07 09:32 |
これはもはや計画的地震テロ…もしくは宣戦布告としか私には受け取れない… |
ゆ 2011/05/05 04:56 |
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