WTC WAS DEMOLISHED BY HYDROGEN BOMB. Dear Dr. Lowenstein of 9-11 Jewish terrorist faction, Did you really use SMALL TACTICAL PURE HYDROGEN BOMB to demolish WTC towers? WTC SYNDROME is a mere radiation hazard caused by H. bomb, isn't it? D.U. is a excuse to conceal the use of hydrogen bomb, right? Prof. Jones' Thermite theory is to avoid people to gaze around H. bomb? |
<< 前記事(2012/02/18) | ブログのトップへ | 後記事(2012/02/19) >> |
タイトル (本文) | ブログ名/日時 |
内 容 | ニックネーム/日時 |
9/11 was an inside job. WTCs were demolished by hydrogen bombs. There were no airplanes involved. CFR planed all the work. David Rockefeller was the evil man. Jewish bankers rule the world by printing money and make all the wars. 3/11 was done by them as well, killing innocent Japanese civilians. The Japanese government was occupied by CFR also. Kan knew the plan and agreed to kill own people. |
Micro 2012/02/18 22:22 |
9/11 was an inside job. WTCs were demolished by hydrogen bombs. There were no airplanes involved. CFR planed all the work. David Rockefeller was the evil man. Jewish bankers rule the world by printing money and make all the wars. 3/11 was done by them as well, killing innocent Japanese civilians. The Japanese government was occupied by CFR also. Kan knew the plan and agreed to kill own people. |
Micro 2012/02/18 22:22 |
9/11 was an inside job. WTCs were demolished by hydrogen bombs. There were no airplanes involved. CFR planed all the work. David Rockefeller was the evil man. Jewish bankers rule the world by printing money and make all the wars. 3/11 was done by them as well, killing innocent Japanese civilians. The Japanese government was occupied by CFR also. Kan knew the plan and agreed to kill own people. |
Micro 2012/02/18 22:22 |
9/11 was an inside job. WTCs were demolished by hydrogen bombs. There were no airplanes involved. CFR planed all the work. David Rockefeller was the evil man. Jewish bankers rule the world by printing money and make all the wars. 3/11 was done by them as well, killing innocent Japanese civilians. The Japanese government was occupied by CFR also. Kan knew the plan and agreed to kill own people. |
Milk 2012/02/18 22:23 |
9/11 was an inside job. WTCs were demolished by hydrogen bombs. There were no airplanes involved. CFR planed all the work. David Rockefeller was the evil man. Jewish bankers rule the world by printing money and make all the wars. 3/11was done by them as well, killing innocent Japanese civilians. The Japanese government was occupied by CFR also. Kan knew the plan and agreed to kill own people. |
Milk 2012/02/18 22:23 |
9/11 was an inside job. WTCs were demolished by hydrogen bombs. There were no airplanes involved. CFR planed all the work. David Rockefeller was the evil man. Jewish bankers rule the world by printing money and make all the wars. |
Milk 2012/02/18 22:24 |
9/11 was an inside job. WTCs were demolished by hydrogen bombs. There were no airplanes involved. CFR planed all the work. D. Rockefeller was the evil man. |
Milk 2012/02/18 22:25 |
Nine Eleven was an inside job. WTCs were demolished by hydrogen bombs. There were no airplanes involved. CFR planed all the work. D. Rockefeller was the evil man. |
Milk 2012/02/18 22:25 |
Nine Eleven was an inside job. WTCs were demolished by hydrogen bombs. There were no airplanes involved. CFR planed all the work. D. Rockefeller was the evil man. |
Milk 2012/02/18 22:26 |
Nine Eleven was an inside job. They were demolished by hydrogen bombs. There were no airplanes involved. |
Milk 2012/02/18 22:26 |
They were demolished by hydrogen bombs. There were no airplanes involved. |
Milk 2012/02/18 22:27 |
スパム認定されて書き込み出来なくされています。BIGLOBEは腐ってますね。 |
ミクロネシア 2012/02/18 22:34 |
書き込み出来なくされています。 |
コングロマリット 2012/02/18 22:37 |
何を書いても すPam で弾かれています。 |
ミクロネシア 2012/02/18 22:41 |
911 was CFR's job |
abu 2012/02/18 22:42 |
頼まれもしないのに、勝手に私訳: |
yiwai 2012/02/18 22:51 |
>yiwaiさん 2012/02/18 22:51 |
はるすけ 2012/02/19 00:01 |
I assert clearly that we must tell this truth to many people in the world ! |
Moonlight mask man 2012/02/19 00:49 |
連投すみません。<(_ _)> |
平清盛 2012/02/19 00:55 |
yiwai 2012/02/19 01:20 |
3-11 man-made earthquakes also were the stealth Jew's job ! |
kurama-tengu 2012/02/19 01:27 |
3-11 man-made earthquakes also were the stealth Jew's job. |
kurama-tengu 2012/02/19 01:28 |
3-11 man-made earthquakes also were the Satanist's job. |
kurama-tengu 2012/02/19 01:36 |
先ほどから、「311人工地震は、連中の仕業である」という英文を「連中」の名称を変えながら3回ほど送信したのだが、すべてスパム扱いになった。 |
くらま天狗 2012/02/19 01:38 |
西洋精神思想(アセンション)にどんどん日本人が洗脳されていっています |
七色 2012/02/19 01:48 |
おーっ!大将 |
N党員Z(一時帰国中) 2012/02/19 02:24 |
JEWJEW鮮邪er!(1/3) 2012/02/19 05:09 |
JEWJEW鮮邪er!(2/3) 2012/02/19 05:16 |
JEWJEW鮮邪er!(3/3) 2012/02/19 05:17 |
JEWJEW鮮邪er!(3/3) 2012/02/19 05:21 |
スレちすいません。 |
チャトラン 2012/02/19 05:35 | |
Kalvin 2012/02/19 06:06 |
リチャード先生。純粋水爆の動画のURLを |
結婚できない男 2012/02/19 06:44 |
おじゃまします。 |
ヤマトタケシの弟子 2012/02/19 08:04 |
週刊東洋経済の編集長を痴漢で逮捕 「酔って覚えていない」と否認 |
don 2012/02/19 08:10 |
WTCビルは北棟南棟共、それぞれ110階建てだった。 |
穂咲青二才 2012/02/19 08:30 |
リチャードコシミズ先生皆様おはようございますIスレ違いでスミマセン。今年の冬はおかしいですね!福岡市では久しぶりで珍しく積雪で数センチ積もってますよヲ海沿いの私の家でそうなのだから筑豊や北九州、中国地方ではかなりの厳冬ではないでしょうか?近くにホームステイしている東南アジアの女の子達や南米の方達は雪景色に喜んでましたが(笑)また天皇陛下の心臓手術は成功したようですが心配なのは合併症、感染症が心配です。人工テロの可能性も有り得るので。昨日の福岡の地方ニュースでしたがエボラなど感染症専門?の病院及び部署が私の家の近くのアイランドシティか隣の古賀市に数年内に設置だそうです。なんで地方都市の福岡何でしょう?東京や大阪、名古屋に設置するのは分かるがm第二次オウムサリン事件を福岡でやっても全く意味がないですがホ |
たかひろ 2012/02/19 08:38 |
今は、こんなに911で〜 |
エゴイム、えっさいむ! 2012/02/19 09:01 |
Popeye said:My secret is spinach.Popeye the sailerman! |
アルザル 2012/02/19 09:20 |
Comrades, American citizen, do you know who is responsible for 911? Do you know the enemy who has come in that day overthrown these great buildings? |
No one cannot ignore... 2012/02/19 09:44 |
大体燃焼で瞬間にコンクリの塊が粉々にはなりにくい^^(わらわら) |
ごみごいむ 2012/02/19 09:50 |
>大体燃焼で瞬間にコンクリの塊が粉々にはなりにくい^^(わらわら) 況してアスベストたっぷり使ってたんでしょ |
richardkoshimizu 2012/02/19 09:59 |
同じ人が同じ内密の複数回の書き込みが多いなあ… |
はやぶさ 2012/02/19 11:01 |
普通旅客機の航空燃料のカロリーと熱伝導のスピードとかで空想実験は可能 |
ごみごいむ 2012/02/19 11:19 |
I am sorry ,I mistook. |
No one cannot ignore 2012/02/19 14:00 |
> N党員Z(一時帰国中) さん@2012/02/19 02:24 |
yiwai 2012/02/19 15:27 |
911 was caused not by terrorists but by very limited number of people. |
blue rose 2012/02/19 15:37 |
リチャードさんの意地悪ぅ〜 |
moko 2012/02/19 19:43 |
コンピューターの時代なんでしょ、趣味レーションしたらいいんでしょ^^;y |
突っ込みどころ^^y 2012/02/19 19:53 |
航空燃料って翼の部分に入ってるらしいですよね、ってことは羽が爆発するんじゃないかなあ、当たった瞬間 |
インサイドジョッブ、イズ米ウェイ v^0... 2012/02/19 22:13 |
リチャード先生へ |
近畿の住人 2012/02/19 23:26 |
> 近畿の住人 さん@2012/02/19 23:26 |
yiwai 2012/02/20 00:19 |
> yiwaiさま |
近畿の住人 2012/02/20 03:20 |
Isee. |
すもも 2012/02/21 00:54 |
(既にやられているとは思いますが)多少でも英語に自信がある人は、リチャード先生の力作のURLを海外にも拡散しましょう!! |
goldmaker 2012/02/21 09:15 |
<< 前記事(2012/02/18) | ブログのトップへ | 後記事(2012/02/19) >> |