私も欲しいです。おねだりー。「中国語も....」なんて独り言言ってしまおうかなぁ。 2012/12/18 12:12 すいません、欲を言えばポスターの英語版も欲しい…です。海外にも発信しましょう! はるすけ 不正選挙ロゴ:早速、英語版も出来ました。 確 2012/12/18 13:31 中国語版もお願いします。読んでくれる知り合いが、います。 bj すいません、欲を言えばポスターの英語版も欲しい…で... |
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みなさん、 |
部落解放同盟京都支部前原氏w 2012/12/18 13:25 |
中国語版もお願いします。読んでくれる知り合いが、います。 |
bj 2012/12/18 13:31 |
http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20121218-00000014-asahi-sci |
ニコチン 2012/12/18 13:31 |
>Googleで「不正」、「選挙」で検索 |
PIP 2012/12/18 13:47 |
みどりいろのおうちのちかくまで飛んでけポスター! |
wasabi 2012/12/18 13:48 |
うわ!w |
部落解放同盟京都支部前原氏w 2012/12/18 13:51 |
スレチ失礼いたします。選挙後の世相を皮肉り、覚醒者を増やすために本日より改名いたします。「債務長官害徒なあ」改め、「アヘン・トリモロス」です。どうか、お見知りおき下さい。 |
アヘン・トリモロス 2012/12/18 14:18 |
チャックベーカー氏が国防相内定のニュース、昨日は、検索したらトップにでてきた。しかし今検索したらWikipediaにもでてこない。 |
たつ 2012/12/18 14:22 |
スレち思案、こちらで失礼します。 |
ピーチパイ 2012/12/18 16:15 |
The Lower House Election of the Japanese Congress Held on December 16th 2012, Rigged by “America,” or more precisely by Rockefeller. |
近畿の住人 2012/12/18 16:28 |
The Lower House Election of the Japanese Congress Held on December 16th 2012, Rigged by “America,” or more precisely by Rockefeller. |
近畿の住人 2012/12/18 16:29 |
Nuclear power plants in Japan are maintained because they can be useful for the mastermind in the future to trigger panic among the Japanese. 311 earthquake of Japan in 2011 and the subsequent tsunami disaster were artificial. If Japanese economy was in its stable, while other two major Economic blocs were in turmoil, world’s cash would flow into Japan rather than America. The value of US dollar was on the verge of falling to 50-60 yen, which means the US dollar might lose its position as the key currency. The 311 earthquake saved the US dollar from its crisis. Another terrorist attack similar to the 311 earthquake will require nuclear power plants on Japanese soil, that is the reason why they maintain nuclear power plants in Japan. |
近畿の住人 2012/12/18 16:30 |
In this election, the majority is gained by “anti-Chinese, pro-American militarists” while “Anti-American” stands only 4.4%. That’s impossible. I know Japanese people leave their future to “Tomorrow Party of Japan.” Most ballots for Tomorrow Party were disposed and replaced by the ballots for the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito. In this election, those who are against the profit of Jews lost their seats in the congress while even some members of the Democratic Party of Japan, though the party lost in the election, gain their sheets if they are anti-Chinese. They are rewarded by Jews. |
近畿の住人 2012/12/18 16:30 |
Japanese mass media are now concealing the fact of the election rigged, it’s because they have been controlled by Jews for a decade, and they have attacked those who are against the benefit of Jews. Among them are Ichiro Ozawa and Muneo Suzuki. Those two have been attacked by the Tokyo prosecutors and media. |
近畿の住人 2012/12/18 16:31 |
The United States is on the verge of collapsing because of its vast amount of deficits of 99 trillion dollars. The only way to save America from its massive deficit is hyper-inflation caused by Sino-Japanese war. That will make massive amount of American burden only a tenth. |
近畿の住人 2012/12/18 16:31 |
すごいです! 近畿の住人さん。 |
wasabi 2012/12/18 18:32 |
私の寮にはブラジル人もおるので、ポルトガル語バージョンが欲しいです。 |
アンチ利己主義 2012/12/18 22:09 |
ビラですが、オフィス街のテナントビルに入れるのはどうでしょう。ポスト近辺に束ねて置くのも手かもしれません。上手く行けば回し読みもされますし、スマホ持ってる率も高いでしょうから、興味ある人からすぐ検索していく気がします。気持ち悪がられてもすぐには捨てられなさそう。ちょっとした話題になるかもしれません。 |
OCE 2012/12/19 01:46 |
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