RIGGED ELECTION DISCLOSED BY A SOKA GAKKAI MEMBER! (See Richard Koshimizu's blog for more detail.) A whistleblowing from Soka Gakkai member: a breaking fact about the rigged elections for both Houses in Japan. "I was told to write fraudulent ballots by the exective." His brave disclosure continues. "I am one of those who supported the rigged election, that has been known these days. I fear very much that the war beteen Japan and China may break out. We Soka Gakkai members are defnetly against the war. Becuase of the rigged election we conducted, The Liberal Democratic Party was elected and I deeply regret that it has switched Japan to the right, and opened the road to the war. We wrote names on the ballots at the district facility in the area. And the Abe Administration was established. The Komei Party also won. Although many people talk about the right of collective self-defense these days, I do not understand what it really means. At the district facility, I wrote names on the ballots for the election exactly as I was told by the exectives. I never thought that it could lead a war. I was not the only one who thought that way. The other people who wrote names at other areas were not thinking that this would lead us to the war, either. The exective said, "This is a direct order from Ikeda Sensei. This must be kept absolutely secret." That's why we carried it out. And we kept it secret, until now. I wonder what is supposed to be done. I didn't know where to post it, but I heard this place is the one. So here I am posting this." Anonnymous http://mirrorblog.bob.buttobi.net/201406/article_13.html |
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とにかく世界中に配信してまーす! |
隠れ応援者 2014/06/03 14:53 |
おお! 先生、記事にしていただき、ありがとうございます。長年学んだ英語が役に立てば幸いです。 |
blue rose 2014/06/03 14:53 |
池田問題発言 |
ひろ〜ん 2014/06/03 14:57 |
blue rose さんの記事 |
隠れ応援者 2014/06/03 15:02 |
池田大作 |
ひろ〜ん 2014/06/03 15:04 |
創価の正義 正しい仏事 |
ひろ〜ん 2014/06/03 15:11 |
隠れ応援者さん、ありがとうー! |
blue rose 2014/06/03 15:49 |
早っ!!、凄っ!!、それではさっそく拡散させていただきます、ありがとうございます。 |
酔楽人 2014/06/03 15:59 |
これも改めて何回も無限にアップしたいです。 |
ボンド 2014/06/03 21:22 |
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